I take it that the subs are "burned" into the movie itself, so they cannot really be removed by BS.Player (or any other program for that matter).
You may experiment a bit with a sub-file to superimpose a bar over the subs that you dont want to see.
E.g. you can take a simple plain-text (.srt-)file like
00:00:10,000 --> 03:00:00,000
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx xx
e.g. copied in Notepad and then saved as "bar.srt" as a basis.
This "bar.srt" must be given the same name as the videofile, however with the extention .srt and then placed in the same folder as the video or it can be loaded manually (with the videofile already loaded) using [Ctrl]+[L].
You will have to set font-color as well as background-color
(which must not be set as "transparent" of course!!) to black (or any other -the same- color you like). And maybe you must experiment with fontsize a bit.
Anyhow, this will display a (2 lines high) black bar during the whole duration of the movie
(well actually from second 10 and assuming it doesn't last longer than 3 hours), which can be placed over the subs to be hidden, e.g. using BS.Player "custom"-option to manually position the subs.
Unfortunately the black bar will -of course- not change in width (or height) in line with the subs it is hiding. However, that could probably also be done if you had the appropriate .srt subtitle-file of the movie itself (in the language you want to hide).