Sorry, but unfortunately this doesn't work when using a .bsl file.
However, I also tested another possibility, which does work!
It is necessary to set the option/preference for Playlist "
Always add all files in current directory to playlist".
If you want to play the files in a predefined order I think it will also be necessary to e.g. number them to ensure this order (this as the playlist will in fact be created "on the fly"; so that it will in fact also always be "auto-updated".)
Then create a shortcut/link to the first file you want to be in the playlist, e.g. "
F:\Shared\movies\Firstfile.avi"; the name of the Shortcut then being (e.g.) "
Now you can play this shortcut in BS.Player.
BS.Player will auto add all files in the same folder as "Firstfile.avi" to its playlist.
Could you try?