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Old 13th December 2010
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BSPeter BSPeter is offline
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Well look at this:
3 subs providers

from no subs (Romanian nor English) pre-selected
from also several other languages; not all Romanian selected
from all Romanian pre-checked (even a few non-related).
The common denominator ???

I've always (from the beginning of this new feature) deselected "Automatically upload subtitles". I've never understood that a subtitle provider could/would be happy that downloaded subtitles would simply be uploaded to them again, thus creating a multitude of identical subs.
So why its default is "on"; don't ask me.
I've only switched it on occasionally to check the status of this bug.

Maybe the best solution for BS.Player would be that the user gets an option to NOT have subtitles pre-checked automatically.
On the other hand: this pre-selection is just for the files to download.
It's not for the files to actually display. That's a subsequent selection!
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