Hello and welcome.
I'm a fellow translator (into Dutch) for BS.Player. Actually I've been doing that since March 2002 already. I know that starting from September 2004 there has been a Basque translator in the past, but I havn't seen him/her on this forum for some years now. I think his/her last post and translation was
this one of May 2008 (click here). I'm personally very much interested in (and curious about) languages and I understand that Basque is a really unique language with a very interesting history.
Now, I've compared your translation to Gaueko's version and observed that there are quite a few differences. Maybe that has to do with the fact that there are rather a few Basque dialects? I also understand there is an "official standard", i.e. the "Euskara Batua", which is mainly/generally used at present. Was Gaueko's translation perhaps more the Upper Navarrese dialect? What is yours? (Like I said: just curious!)