4. Some installation notes. 4. Some installation notes. * Uninstall a skin. Remove a skin by deleting it from the Skin Folder in Windows Explorer. * Fake names in the Skin-List. In the Skin-List in the Preferences window, BS.Player displays the names of all found BSZ-files in the Skin Folder, and all the names of primary subfolders. So if you accidentally leave empty folders in the Skins-folder, or some leftover folders after unzipping, the names of those will be displayed. The same skin may be listed twice, or even under different names. And if you click such a fake, BS.Player will use Base-Skin. So use Windows Explorer to delete these folders. * Keep the Skins-Folder clean. I use my download folder for unzip actions, and afterwards copy BSZ-files or folders with the BMP-files to Skins. This way, the Skin-List stays clean. Better do so, if you are not used to unzipping and cleaning up afterwards. * You don’t see file extensions like .BSZ or .ZIP or .RAR in Windows Explorer? In Windows Explorer: Menu Bar > Extra > Folder Options > Tab Display > Uncheck “Hide File Extensions for Known File Types”. Many people do this, but be careful: If the extension is lost while you rename a file, Windows cannot open the file anymore, until you add the extension again. * Don’t mistake a ZIP file for a skin-folder in Windows Explorer. Explorer may fool you, because it displays the contents of ZIP files, like it does for folders. So if you click on a ZIP file, and see all BMP button images in it, you may think it is a folder. Then you happily copy that to the Skins Folder, but the skin will not work. BS.Player does not recognise a skin within a skin-file with a ZIP extension. * BSZ-skinfiles are renamed ZIP-files. You may receive a ZIP-file with all skin files in it. You can simply rename it from xxx.ZIP to xxx.BSZ, and it will work. Usually the skinmaker does this at the end of the design. He/she zippes all files, and renames the zip file to xxx.bsz. (Unless Tizio’s Skinmaker is used. That program directly produces bsz-files.) But there can be a problem. If the skinmaker accidentally zipped the folder with all the files, instead of the files themselves, renaming doesn’t work. You must unzip the file, and copy the folder with all files to the Skins-Folder. * All skins will remain, if you uninstall (and reinstall) BS.Player. If you have to uninstall BS.Player for some reason, all skins you added will still be there. - So if you have to reinstall BS.Player to solve problems, it will see all skins again. - And if you uninstall to install an upgrade, it will also see the skins again. - But if you switch from BS.Player Free to BS.Player PRO, you’ll have to copy them. First uninstall the Free-version (or keep it), and install the PRO-version. The Freeware is installed in the folder Webteh/BSplayer, while the PRO is installed in the folder Webteh/BSplayer Pro. So the Freeware-version had it’s own Skins-Folder with your skins. Copy them in Explorer to the new Skins-Folder. ... .. |