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Old 29th March 2012
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Originally Posted by SergeNL View Post

Note: there are two other bugs, that may be related to this problem:
1. If I have a BSZ-version and a Folder-version of the same skin in the Skins-folder, the Skin is 4x in the skin list. But BSP always shows the Folder version if I click on all 4 of them. So the BSZ-version can't be showed.
2. ...
Like I've meanwhile PM-ed to you, I tested again but (with both a zipped .bsz version and a folder-version of a skin with the same name) I only see its name mentioned twice in the list (as it should be) and not four times like you apparently do. I'm testing under XP SP3. I also concluded that whichever version of both "same name"-skins is opened upon selection seems to depend solely on the date/time stamp of the folder/file in windows. Of the two versions (folder or .bsz) always the most recent one will be opened by BS.Player (which - in actual practice, while still working on a skin - will generally be the folder-version).
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