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Old 23rd August 2003
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Originally Posted by adicoto
Older versions, like 085 to 086 build 490 if I recall corect can't handle srt files.
Just to remind you I herewith repeat my reaction to your earlier similar remark:
FYI: support for .srt subtitles has been there for ages: at least since version 0.6 (vs present version 0.86.500)

In fact I've hardly used another format. At least 95% of all my subtitles are in subrip format.
(Your reply about fontcolor at start is - of course - indeed correct for some earlier builds by the way! And that's what counts!)

To Harry:
Another thing that might play a trick on you is the position of the subtitles; so make indeed sure your sub is white (like adicoto said) (or yellow or any other bright colour) and that it is not positioned in such place where you can't see them

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