Yes, that's also what I thought.
It is the abbreviation of "
Language", which is a markup language, similar to HTML, but especially developped with multimedia on websites in mind.
I've sofar not encountered any subfiles in a "smil-format", so I cannot help but wondering, whether the subfile in question isn't really a .smi file.
Therefore "
Help... frustrated Guest": could you please try to open it in Notepad?
If what you then see is something like this:
<STYLE TYPE="Text/css"><!--
P {margin-left: 29pt; margin-right: 29pt; font-size: 14pt;
text-align: center; font-family: tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold; color: white; background-color: black;}
.SUBTTL {Name: 'Subtitles'; SAMIType: CC;}
<SYNC Start=0><P Class=SUBTTL>
<SYNC Start=293785>
Stop !
<SYNC Start=295412>
<SYNC Start=313600>
Hey, you guys.
it indeed appears to be a .smi or sami file, which can easily be converted by SubSync.