at point 2 I must agree with Rob.
Unfortunately also on BSPlayer subtitles there are more and more for wrong episodes, out-of-sync, or just full of grammatical and/or translation mistakes. Getsubtitles I have unchecked since a long time (I found "google-translate"-type horrors there too often), and had no problems for years, but i do have now.
If I'm offered the possibility of rating, I rate. But if I see in the beginning that the subtitle is not correct, and stop watching to download another one, I cannot vote; and even if I finish watching, I'm not always offered to vote (often there are no votes at all, and the subtitle is crap, so I don't really understand, why).
I think option for rating a subtitle for the users wish would help everybody - other users, not to download the bad one, and BSPlayer team, to have their subtitle database at least partly cleaned up from bullshit.
Think about this option, please :)