14th August 2012
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Aug 2012
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BS Shows "Random" starting offset
I've just started using the Androiid BS Player on a Nexus 7. It seems to do a better jobs than the others on HD recordings I get straight off Comcast cable. These are all in MPEG-TS format with MPEG Video (Main@High) and AC-3 audio. (Some of the others players don't play the audio or can't keep up very well).
The problem I have is that the timestamp that appears on the left side of the progress bar seems to be a random number and is typically larger than the length of the whole recording. The number on the right of the progress bar is correct and is the actual length.
The gesture advance/repeat which is relative to the current position does work. However, the slider on the progress bar and the "go to" menu don't work, presumably because they offset from the random number at the left which puts it beyond the total length.
Any ideas?