14th January 2010
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jan 2010 Age: 37
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Graphic bug or whatewer.
when you enter the game that may change graphic resolutions or settings, I have small problem that is, when I close the game my movie is lost I can't start it by pushing button play.
now I will say how I fix that error without damaging my playlist:
I seek the now playing file and trew it in the blue thing with play and other buttons, after what movie starts play from the last position, but picture dosen't show, so to fix the picture I swich mode to always over all mode, that shows me my video. and to swich back to normal video I chose to pick off overall mode and then I may wach my movie, without any discomfort. It would be good if it would make automaticly is there any way to fix this bug. if yes I would know the answer, if is there not any solutions then I would be glad to see in newest version automatic fixing by this or other ways.
BS Player brokes after almoust any game that is full screened eaven if is minimased and paused, it just starts run the sound when the game starts (from begining). = ]
sorry about my mistakes if I have, and thenk you for not abousing and answering this post. and I'm sorry if someone already asked something like this.
Last edited by Neznajka; 17th January 2010 at 06:08 AM.