14th November 2003
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 11
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Ok, I have it running, but I still do not have acsess to the DixX, the Directshow, options (they are still grayed out) and also I cannot select the Audio Output device to anything but Default, (well I can, but it just returns to default when I do it,) I have the latest codexs for DirectX, so that is not the problem.
Edit! I also have a small query, that should not realy be in the bugs section, but when the video is on full screan, it shows the picture, but not in full screen. Insted the picture is surrounded by a screen of black. by pushing Shift-3, it goes to full screen, but thats a too roundabout method. Any help would be apriciated.
I soo miss the old version!
Edit part II
I give up! I am lucky I have a copy of .86 still on my computer, I will use that intill the stability issues with the latest releace are resolved!