25th December 2003
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 4
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No video Window after load avi or ogm file
Hi, I have problem that after opening avi or ogm file (divx 5.05 or 5.1.1 + mp3 or ogg) in version 100.803 , bsplayer do not open video window. When try to play sound go OK but without video. I find in the forum that problem can be if there is instalation of version 100.803 in same folder with previous version of bsplayer but it is not my case because I have two separate folders (older version is 086.501 and it work fine with same movies).
If someone resolved this please share it with us because I'am trying to resolve the thing for a long time but without success. I must say that on other PC both version work perfect. PC configuration are almost same as it is installed software (codecs ...).
Thank's in advance.