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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11th June 2004
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Default [808] last movie position + re-/ffwind-keys

  • * In contrary to the previous version, bsplayer doesn't remember the last movie position if you open a file again.

    * If you want to skip back- or forward with the ,-key or the .-key, sometimes , skips backwards and . skips forwards, but sometimes viceversa. I've got no clue when which key does what.. Seems to me that the most logical key for backward is , and for ffward is . because of their position on the keyboard.

greetz, bruce
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11th June 2004
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Hello Bruce,
Good to see you back again! Under "General" there are two options which "remember":
"Remember last movie position" and "Remember movie settings"
If you select "Remember last movie position" BSPlayer will resume movie from where you left it. I've (re)tested it with version 808 of 30 April 2004. The procedure is as follows:
When you wish to temporarily exit a movie played on BSPlayer, do NOT press [STOP]. Just exit BSPlayer "cold method" or press [Pause] and then [Exit].
Next time you start BSPlayer (and - of course - provided the moviefile is still in the same place where it was when you left playing it) it will automatically resume playing from the point where you left the movie.

With respect to the second part of your message: you're right, the command-keys are "switched" between windowed and full screen mode. Please refer to this post.
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808, movie, position, re or ffwindkeys

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