22nd November 2002
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Overlay Bug in BSPlayer 0.85.492
I use ffdshow filter to play divx5 movies, because divx decoder filter has at least 2 mistakes. At first, frames in high motion scenes may be dropped (when bitrate is about 2-3Mbit), but i have enough processor to play them. The second mistake i can see in "ogm" files. When i mux avi file to ogm i get about 20-40 ugly frames during the movie. It's annoing, because these bad frames repeats every 3-6 minutes. ffdshow filter is better, it doesn't have these mistakes.
When I play movie using ffdshow filter I get in PSplayer green lines at the left side of the picture. So in bsplayer 490 I changed overlay mode from 1 to the mode 2 and these green lines dissapeared. The problem is that in BSPlayer 492 this mode fails. :(