24th November 2002
Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 156
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Do you have latest codecs installed for your movies? Do you use ffdshow?
It could be a problem of your decoder.
If for exemple you have a brandnew XVid movie, but old decoder version then you'll have garbled pictures. Codecs like XVid are still under heavy development. Check that. If you are using DivX decoder to process XVid video you run into problems, too. Lately B-frames have been implemented into XVid builds, but are not 100% compatible with DiVX/Mpeg4.
For some people ffdshow causes problems, too. Turn it of then under corresponding 'codec' tab in ffdshow config. Or try installing latest version (find it on sourceforge).
Do you use implemented key shortcuts for capturing? It's Shift-P and P.
In mode 1 it should work properly, mode 2 doesn't AFAIK.
You see, there may be a lot of reasons for your problems.
Another thing you can try is doing screenshots in fullscreen mode with 'print'-key right next to 'F12'. Pause bsplayer then, switch to a photo editor and paste: there it is...
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