26th November 2002
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2002 Location: France
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Greyscale movie with green artefact only with bsplayer
I have a black & white movie, encoded with xvid ( bframes ). When I playback using ffdshow + zoom player, no problem, the movie stays in black & white. But if I playback with bsplayer + ffdshow, green artefacts appear ( some parts of the frames are greenish ). I tried with / without overlay, mode 1 or 2, always wrong. But if I check RGB, then it is decoded right ( but the movie is upside down, I can settle this with ffdshow, but I would like a better way ).
I could not test with xvid + bsplayer ( there is no stable decoder yet, except ffdshow, for bframes ).
I use bsplayer 0.85.492, Win2k sp3, geforce 4 Ti 4200 + detonator 40.xx, directx 8.1, ffdshow 03/10/02