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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 4th February 2005
J_S J_S is offline
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Default Mpg wont play in BS -Can I choose which decoder it uses?

On computer 1 I have a .mpg video which plays very slowly in BSPlayer. Using the Options/Filters menu I can see it's using the Ligos MPEG decoder. Windows Media Player 10 also plays the video too slowly. If I play it in Cyberlink Power DVD XP - it plays just fine.

On computer2 I have the same mpg file playing just fine with BS Player. Again, using the Options/Filters menu, I can see it's playing fine using the Cyberlink MPEG decoder.

I'd like my mpg to play in BS Player on computer1. Is there a way of changing codec priorities so the default codec BS Player tries to use is the Cyberlink one instead of the Ligos one?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 4th February 2005
J_S J_S is offline
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oh, I forgot. When I try playing the mpg in BS player on computer1, it says "Unknown File Format ()" - and the movie gets played not in the usual BS Player thin bordered window, but a bigger one with a title bar up the top which says "Active Movie". Its in this window which it plays too slowly
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 4th February 2005
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You mention under Options > Filters > Advanced , you see the Ligos MPEG Video Decoder. Do you also see Ligos MPEG Splitter?
Anyhow, my suggestion would be to uninstall/disable Ligos on your computer 1, so that Cyberlink can take over.

If you don't like to do that, you could create a file "bsfilters.dat" and place that in BSPlayer's installation folder.
In fact, you will find a sample-file for such .dat-file is already present there, named "bsfilters.sam".
You could copy and rename the samplefile to bsfilters.dat, load it in e.g. Notepad and then
remove the ";" in front of the line "MPEG2={9BC1B781-85E3-11D2-98D0-0080C84E9C39},CyberLink Video/SP Decoder"
and save it.
Please let us know if it worked.
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choose, decoder, mpg, play

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