15th August 2006
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Aug 2006 Location: Czech Republic, Prague
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BSplayer wont play XVID, even if XVID/FFDshow is installed
It's probably just me, but I can't get BSPlayer to play the Quake 3 Annihilation movie. (I was able to play it a year ago, with an older version of BSPlayer and CodecPack All-in-1 without problems.)
I'm using BSPlayer Pro version 2.10 Build 939 (Windows XP Pro SP2). I tried DivX with "Support decoding of Generic MPEG-4 video" option enabled, but I didn't get the video to play properly (no real picture, just green lines and artifacts). So I installed Koepi's XviD package XviD-1.1.0-30122005, but even though the codec shows up in Preferences->Filter management->Filter manager as "XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder", BSPlayer won't play the file and gives this error message:
Unknown file format (XVID)
I tried playing a bit with all the settings, re-registered xvid.ax and quartz.dll manually, but it didn't help. I tried scanning the movie with GSpot and it says I have all the right codecs installed and it can even play it using XviD, but I don't want to use GSpot as my movieplayer :). I even tried to use FDDShow, but had the same problem. I tried searching this forum for help, but didn't find anything concerning my specific problem. So now I'm really out of ideas, any help would be much appreciated.