12th October 2014
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Oct 2014
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[Android] Screen off during MHL/HDMI playing
Justification: This is really important in order to conserve battery as currently power consumption during MHL playing is enormous. Power received over MHL cable is not enough and battery drains really quickly.
Request: When player device is connected via MHL (to an external HDMI screen), BSplayer should turn Android's screen off (i.e. set brightness to 0.01).
Of course, if you touch the screen during play it should get bright again (brightness -1.0) for a specified time interval (and then go back to 0.01).
Static image on device screen when [MHL playing & brightness is 0.01] would additionally improve battery life.
Bonus request: add a setting to turn this feature on/off
Hint: Check how this is done in Galaxy's stock video player.