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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 15th June 2004
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Default tweakable osd

i use bsp with a remote. it would be great to have improved osd control and maybe the ability to replace the vol and seek % indicators with a row of vertical lines.

maybe we are just freaks but i and several other ppl i know prefer clone mode to watch movies on the tv to conserver resources.
is it possible to have the size of the subs/osd text stay more consistant when watching movies of varying resolutions? a font whose dimensional scaling is a function of the video's width and height in pixels and possibly accounting for a user-change to aspect ratio?

with the ability to skin bsp it can look very professional. would be nice if the osd could match up, and i think the first media player with a skinnable osd might gain some converts.

thanks as always for the great work so far
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 17th June 2004
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Default More flexibility for remote control

Many controls in BSPlayer work on basis of increment/decrement.
They are: Volume (Up/Down),
.............. Playback rate (Incr/Decr),
.............. Horizontal Moving (Left,Right),
.............. Vertical Moving (Up/Down),
.............. Brightness (Incr/Decr),
.............. Hue (Incr/Decr),
.............. Saturation (Incr/Decr),
.............. ........
and so on.
TV's or monitor's screen menu manages with a set of 3-4 buttons!
JTV (program for review TV on PC) works in the same way.
Why must we use more? It is especially uncomfortable for remote control.
Let's organize OSD menu with 5 buttons:
............... #1 - Control Groups Cycle (Volume-Size-Color-....)
............... #2 - Controls Cycle (Master Volume-Wave Volume-...
.............................................. Horizontal-Vertical-...
.............................................. Brightness-Contrast-Saturation-Hue)
............... #3 - Select (Enter)
............... #4 & #5 - Increment & Decrement
And what is more.
I want to organize this menu by myself. It is easy.
Dialog Add/Del Group, Add/Del Control (like Add/Remove Custom aspect ratios in BSPlayer).
And some more.
IMHO graphical bars (like TV's control bar) are more gratifying to the eye, than numerical ones (like BSPlayer).
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 17th June 2004
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@Serj013 click here
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums!
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osd, tweakable

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