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Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions Post your suggestions and feature requests here, what would you like to use in BS.Player. Any feedback is appreciated and will be reviewed by our team.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 1st January 2005
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Default Feature Request - font sizes, and full screen fast forward

1. Looks very small, how about 150% font size for the skins?
2. How about passing the mouse over the BOTTOM of the screen in full screen brings up the fast forward bar (feature implemented in windows media classic, very NICE)
3. How about a multi-select open file dialog? Much faster than the playlist in some cases.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 1st January 2005
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  1. Not entirely clear what you mean; concerning skins: fonts used and sizes thereof are defined in the skin itself; what skin are you using? (You could easily adapt the skin which you like to use in this respect to your personal preference!)
  2. Perhaps I don't understand you correctly, but unless "full screen skin" is disabled (rightclick > Options > Skins) and/or the skin chosen simply does not provide a separate "full screen skin", moving the mousepointer to the bottom of the screen (in full screen mode) will bring up the separate full screen skin (which could indeed be - if so created - a progress bar only).
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 1st January 2005
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
  1. Not entirely clear what you mean; concerning skins: fonts used and sizes thereof are defined in the skin itself; what skin are you using? (You could easily adapt the skin which you like to use in this respect to your personal preference!)
  2. Perhaps I don't understand you correctly, but unless "full screen skin" is disabled (rightclick > Options > Skins) and/or the skin chosen simply does not provide a separate "full screen skin", moving the mousepointer to the bottom of the screen (in full screen mode) will bring up the separate full screen skin (which could indeed be - if so created - a progress bar only).
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#1 is just like winamp, the skin font/graphics are scaled uniformly by a preference (125%, 150%). You don't want to do a new skin for every possible size.

#2, i had some trouble with the overlay coming up with mouse movement. Maybe the directdraw stuff is interfering??
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feature, font, full, request, sizes

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