I have a question. It is about playing movies WITH MicroDVD subtitles, encoded with wm9. With BSplayer.
I agree that M$ things should be avoided at almost all costs, yet still peoples seems to use it, since it give the best results for hi-bitrate/resolution movies encode. (HDTV to 1DVD, downscale to 1280 or 1440 pixels)
WM9 has some problems playing for itself, but the main limitation is the lack of frame report/support. What I mean is that MicroDVD subtitles lost it's sync with this damn format...! (a bug, of course)
Since it is pretty obvious why the sync of subtitles get lost and why the time-based formats like *.srt works (for dummies - because WMV report back time and not frames), it make me wonder, if there is a way, how to fix the problem. Since, obviously, is M$ not likely to change the ugly and limiting behaviour of their software, I can think about only one solution for this - in case o such limiting codec, simply calculate the frames from the time elapsed? :?: :idea:
This should do the job and allow using of MicroDVD subtitles :P
Can it be done, BST?
Or is there a better way to do it?
It seems important for me, because
1) it is a unwanted limitation
2) the tools to fix-up and edit the MicroDVD format is best
3) the format itself is straight-forward editable by hand, *.srt is not (can't simply remove line, etc.)