17th July 2002
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2002
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I have The Lord Of The R in 2 CDs. I also have collected subtitles for each part. All the subtitles are, therefore, divided in two parts (I got them so). I am using a ini file to load everything automatically. One for the first CD and another for the second. In both ini files I specify that subtitles should be off by default (DefaultSub=0).
The problem is that when the second half starts playing, the subtitles are active and showing, as if the hotkey S had been pressed.
They are mostly .sub subtitle format.
If I directly start with the ini file of the second half. Everything is right. Also when DefaultSub is set to a value other than 0 in BOTH ini files, everything works well (if DefaultSub=x in ini1 and DefaultSub=y in ini2, when the second half starts, default subtitle is x, which is not wanted).
Why all this?