20th June 2014
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 5
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BSplayer doesn't play anything.
lately my BSplayer doesn't play anything.
all the file assosiations were gone, and trying to open any media file with BSplayer doesn't work, no error messege or anything.
when i try to use "open file" though BSplayer nothing happens.
i noticed a similar issue that was solved: http://forum.bsplayer.com/answered-s...-bsplayer.html
the only thing that might have changed that could make a differance is some registry entry change by using a reg cleaner software.
trying to use that fix from the post didn't help.
also tried deleting and reinstalling a few times, and updating to the lasest version (v2.67 build 1076).
Please help.
Last edited by Nokku87; 20th June 2014 at 09:18 AM.