6th August 2023
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Aug 2023 Location: Belgium Age: 53
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Casting video to Chromecast?
Hi everyone, I'm new to this BS forum and had a question.
With the VLC player it is possible to cast video files from the computer to the Google Chromecast and smart TV, will this also be possible with the BS player soon?
Because personally I think the BS player is just a bit better than that VLC player only I miss the option to cast to smart TV and Chromecast with the BS player because now I still have to use an HDMI cable between the computer and the TV to be able to play a video file on my smart TV via BS player and that is inconvenient and requires a long and expensive cable, while this is not necessary with the VLC player.
Many thanks in advance for your answers.