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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 7th February 2004
BS.player Regular User
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Default Question about .dat files which are actually .avi files

Sometimes, I download movies with eMule. This program creates temporary .dat files to store the movies. When I open these in BSPlayer (to see if the quality is good etc.) it won't open them, because it thinks they are dat files, but actually they are DivX .avi files. Is there any way to 'trick' BSPlayer into loading them as avi?

There is an option in CoolEdit (wave editing program) called 'Open as'. This enables you to load any file, for example with extension .tst, as an mp3 or whatever you like. This would be great in BSPlayer, so I don't have to copy my files each time and rename them to .avi
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 7th February 2004
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I think you need AviPreview.
(You will see; just click on the link)

Suk6 en groeten!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 7th February 2004
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Yeah, I know about AviPreview, it's included with KazaaLite
But is there no way in BSPlayer?

Groeten terug :)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 30th August 2011
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Wink DAT to avi tool

I thought it's about dat to avi, but not.
I am looking for a decent converter and change dat to avi editable on wwm. I have tried to find some solutions in other forums but failed.
Anyone of you know a good tool!I greatly appreciate your help.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 30th August 2011
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You're reviving a 7½ year old thread!! That's what spammers also do!!

The subject of this thread concerns (divx).avi movies, which, however, have an incorrect .dat extension (for whatever reason).
These files (only having an incorrect extension) can be played in BS.Player without renaming, by opening them from BS.Player's control panel.
Click on [Open file]-button.
At bottom change Filetypes from 'Mediafiles' into 'All files'.
Search and double-click the .dat file (or select and click on [Open/Run]-button).
That's it!

Now, you on the other hand want to convert a dat-file to avi. Needless to say that this isn't, in fact, a matter for BS.Player forums.
However, you also do not mention what the actual contents of the .data-file are. So how is anyone to know what to convert from?
(Simply renaming doesn't work? You're sure its media? Perhaps zipped? P.S.: What's wwm?)
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 30th August 2011
BS.Player Master
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Originally, DAT files are VCD / SVCD format (meaning MPEG1 or MPEG2 and should be playable by drag and drop on BSPlayer's window (if codecs are installed).
To convert to AVI, just use VirtualDubMPEG2

DAT files, as incompleted downloads can be actually played by BSPlayer (about 7 years of evolution since then) if in genereal preferences it's enabled "open locked media" .
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avi, dat, question

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