23rd February 2006
 | Senior Member BS.Player Power User | | Join Date: Feb 2006 Location: Cyberspace
Posts: 762
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You can always associate files with programs the other Windows way: using Windows registry! That's the only method I ever use.
Here is an example of associating *.vob extension to be opened with either BSPlayer, VideoLAN or Windows Media, and displaying a custom icon "video_mg.ico". The paths will be different on your system, of course. Code: REGEDIT4
;; the extension to associate
;; file type, shortly describing the contents
;; custom type string, not mandatory
@="Motion Pictures Experts Group video"
;; icon to use
;; default application
;; name which will appear when right clicking on VOBs
@="• BSPlayer"
;; the path to bsplayer executable
@="d:\\apps\\bsplayer\\bsplayer.exe \"%L\""
@="• Windows Media"
@="mplayer2.exe \"%L\""
@="• VideoLAN Client"
@="d:\\apps\\vlc\\vlc.exe \"%L\"" |