7th October 2007
Junior Member BS.player Regular User | | Join Date: Nov 2004
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display time stamp on movie screen shortcut
I used to use older versions of bsplayer. In these versions I always used to select a shrtucut from the "key definitions" window that when I press the shortcut, bsplayer displays the time left of the movie on the movie screen in full screen mode. this shows the same counter that u see on the player itself when u r not on full screen mode.
When u press the same shortcut again the time stamp goes off.
When I recently upgraded to version 2, this option is not exists in the list of key definitions. Is it me or the developes removed this key definition option from the list of options? if yes, then why? any chance to get a replacement?
Without this, if u want to know how long will it take to finish the movie, u will have to exit the full screen mode to see this on the player itself. This can't be shown on the auto menu at the top or bottom as well.