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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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delbarta is an unknown quantity at this point
Default Playlist - Double cd2

Hi. When I click a file e.g. "movie.cd1", in the playlist automatically appear the "movie.cd2" if it exist. That is good. But, if I select both of files and drag-and-drop to the player, there will be 2 pieces "movie.cd2" in the list. It is very disturbing. I frequently use bsplayer with several files, and so far I can not find out why come after cd2 again cd2. ;) Thanks.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Default Re: Playlist - Double cd2

If you have more videos in a folder which form part of a sequence, like e.g. "moviefile_CD1.avi", "moviefile_CD2.avi", "moviefile_CD3.avi", "moviefile_CD4.avi" (etc), BS.Player will indeed automatically add any subsequent file(s) to the playlist if only one file is selected. I emphasized 'subsequent', because if you e.g. pick the CD2-file, it will only add the CD3- and CD4-files (but not the CD1-file). And if you pick the CD3-file it will only add the CD4-file. This IMHO is a very good feature, which saves you the trouble to select more files of a sequence.

I meanwhile tested and it appears that if one selects two files which apparently belong together and form a sequence (with no further files following in that sequence) BS.Player will place both files in the playlist AND will it will still add any sequential file(s) as indicated above. So if you selected CD1 and CD2 files, in total three (and not two as mentioned by you) files are placed in the playlist.
Further .....
..... if you use CD1-file to drag-and-drop BS.Player will start playing with the CD1 file, followed by the (auto added) CD2 file and then followed by the (manually added) CD2-file.
..... if you use CD2-file to drag-and-drop BS.Player will start playing with the CD2 file, followed by (the manually selected) CD1 file and then followed by the (auto added) CD2-file.
(In fact, in an example where there are 4 sequential files and you would select all four of them (in stead of simply only the first) and then use the first file to drag-and-drop,the result in BS.Player's playlist will be:
I think that sufficiently explains the how or why.
So, I would suggest to make life easy and not unneccessarily select more files which form part of a sequence, which task BS.Player is already taking from you. Or post a feature request to have an option to switch off the auto-adding of sequential files by BS.Player.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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delbarta is an unknown quantity at this point

Ok, thanks the explain, I understand the method now. My bsplayer usage: I click a file, and when it start, I select sevaral files (10-20. sometimes much more) from total commander and drag-and-drop to the opened movie window. I do not select them one by one. Thanks, I go to the request zone. ;)
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 8th November 2008
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Moving this thread to General discussions now, as it doesn't concern a bug.
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
When posting always mention your computer's OS and the version and build number(!) of BS.Player as used by you,
as well as - if applicable and especially when encountering problems - the type(s) of the file(s) mentioned in your post.
Private messages/Visitor messages are NOT for seeking personal help with respect to BS.Player! Instead use the forums!
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cd2, double, playlist

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