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Search: Posts Made By: Manao
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 7th September 2003
Replies: 3
Views: 3,448
Posted By Manao
It has already been answered several times,...

It has already been answered several times, please search the forum before posting.

For your answer, either the file which cause you problem is not complete, or corrupted ; or you don't have the...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 25th March 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 3,265
Posted By Manao
Any DV codec : you can try the Main Concept DV...

Any DV codec : you can try the Main Concept DV codec, which is a good one.
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 25th March 2003
Replies: 2
Views: 2,859
Posted By Manao
You either installed Morgan Stream Switcher or...

You either installed Morgan Stream Switcher or (worse) a codec pack such as Nimo Pack. In the first case, deinstall the switcher, in the second, deinstall the pack ( and pray for him to leave your...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 25th March 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 2,572
Posted By Manao
It's not a BSPlayer problem, it's not a bug, it's...

It's not a BSPlayer problem, it's not a bug, it's the fault of the movie you're trying to watch. BSplayer can't fdo nothing about. But you would be interested in knowing that subs are text files with...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 25th March 2003
Replies: 2
Views: 3,120
Posted By Manao
Try the latest version of BSplayer, the 494,...

Try the latest version of BSplayer, the 494, because the 493 is known to crash with ogm + subs ( a rapid search through the forum could have told you that ... )
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 4th February 2003
Replies: 10
Views: 4,887
Posted By Manao
It's not normal. You should be able to play xvid...

It's not normal. You should be able to play xvid files without problem with RGB uncheck. Are your video drivers up to date ? Which video card do you have ? Which OS and DirectX ? What is the...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 2nd February 2003
Replies: 0
Views: 2,802
Posted By Manao
v0.86.494, subs inside ogm bug

It's an easy one : the last character of subtitles between two timestamps isn't shown. For exemple, if the srt file contains the following subs :
You will not see the final dot.

Edit : if it can...
Forum: General Talk And Support 1st February 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 3,090
Posted By Manao
There is a bug with divx5 and ogm, I don't...

There is a bug with divx5 and ogm, I don't remember well, but b-frames weren't supported on playback with the divx5 filter. But ffdshow handles these files perfectly.

On the other hand, the...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 1st February 2003
Replies: 2
Views: 2,750
Posted By Manao
Errr, first deinstall the Nimo Codec Pack, it...

Errr, first deinstall the Nimo Codec Pack, it often messes the system. Instead, install ffdshow, ac3filter, divx3.11 alpha, oggdsf, and you will be able to play almost all mpeg4 video. You will find...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 1st February 2003
Replies: 2
Views: 3,574
Posted By Manao
Need some more information : do you have the...

Need some more information : do you have the problem with all player or only with bsplayer ? Have you installed DX8.1 ? DX9 ( if neither, install DX8.1 ) ? Have you installed Nimo Pack codec ( or any...
Forum: Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions 1st February 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 4,594
Posted By Manao
Don't take into account the previous post....

Don't take into account the previous post. Somehow, the "install" of the v494 wasn't complete on my system, and when I finally attached avi and ogm file to the player ( Open with --> select Bsplayer...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 30th January 2003
Replies: 6
Views: 3,320
Posted By Manao
* Are you sure volume in BSPlayer isn't down to 0...

* Are you sure volume in BSPlayer isn't down to 0 ( it happens sometimes, and it's hard to plot, because you don't see anymore the volume bar )

* Did you install the AC3Filter ( download section...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 30th January 2003
Replies: 5
Views: 6,356
Posted By Manao
No, no, I already get this dll, I should have...

No, no, I already get this dll, I should have been more precised when I said it didn't work : the video was playing, but badly ( green bar with OGM + subs + xvid, slow playback ... ). The only way to...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 30th January 2003
Replies: 5
Views: 6,356
Posted By Manao
If I gave this link, it was because I could not...

If I gave this link, it was because I could not manage to make work the 20020103 build. It has something to do with VC7 I think, but as the former build was working perfectly, I didn't search any...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 30th January 2003
Replies: 5
Views: 6,356
Posted By Manao
Firstly, this means that your system has problem...

Firstly, this means that your system has problem with overlay, so the first thing to do is to upgrade your video drivers and directx ( but I don't know if DX9 is working well or not, so you may want...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 30th January 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 2,508
Posted By Manao
You're right, it has already been discussed...

You're right, it has already been discussed several times on this forum. But an update to the build 494 is available in the 'nightly build' section on the download page, which will solve all the...
Forum: Feature Requests, Feedback And Suggestions 29th January 2003
Replies: 1
Views: 4,594
Posted By Manao
OGM Subtitles support in build 494 - Would it go further ?

First, thank you ! I can now use one player to playback ogm with internal subs and avi with external subs ( and antialiased font ).

Now, when playbacking ogm with internal subs, they are not...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 29th January 2003
Replies: 7
Views: 4,850
Posted By Manao
Where did you get your file ? Are you sure it...

Where did you get your file ? Are you sure it isn't corrupted or incomplete ?

When BSPlayer says "Unknown file format ( ???? )" whereas you already installed the codec ????, it always a problem...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 29th January 2003
Replies: 2
Views: 3,306
Posted By Manao
It's just that your file isn't complete on the...

It's just that your file isn't complete on the computer where it doesn't play. The playa can open non complete avi-file, but the other players which use the DirectShow Filters need the file to be...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 11th January 2003
Replies: 2
Views: 3,447
Posted By Manao
I can't reproduce it. Do you have this...

I can't reproduce it.

Do you have this problem only with BSPlayer, or with every player ?
Which OS ? Do you use ffdshow for playback ? Or Xvid DSF ?
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 11th January 2003
Replies: 4
Views: 3,406
Posted By Manao
Can you play it with other players ( WMP, Zoom...

Can you play it with other players ( WMP, Zoom Player ) ?

If not, you should either install the Xvid codec, or check if you have the entire file ( when a file is not complete, BSPlayer gives this...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 10th January 2003
Replies: 3
Views: 3,600
Posted By Manao
BSPlayer can read DivX3, 4, 5 and XVid. Your...

BSPlayer can read DivX3, 4, 5 and XVid. Your problem isn't with bsplayer, but with the file you try to read.

Did you download the whole file ( because if you don't have the end of the file, you...
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 29th November 2002
Replies: 2
Views: 4,434
Posted By Manao
That's not a bug : click with the right bouton...

That's not a bug : click with the right bouton over the movie, select subtitles -> font..., and then change script to 'Western'
Forum: Bug Reports And Codecs 26th November 2002
Replies: 0
Views: 3,381
Posted By Manao
Greyscale movie with green artefact only with bsplayer

I have a black & white movie, encoded with xvid ( bframes ). When I playback using ffdshow + zoom player, no problem, the movie stays in black & white. But if I playback with bsplayer + ffdshow,...
Showing results 1 to 24 of 24

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