8th September 2006
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 2
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Small silver/blue skin request. From 1.x
Could anyone help me recover this great skin I had. I recently formatted my comp and forgot to save it.
In its full move it was very small and compact(half the height of the default skin). Silver with a dark/mid value blue inside with an abstract design. Somewhat metalic/glass looking. All the buttons were very small and at a 1280x1040 resolution it was only 2-2.5x the height of the start bar. In fact most the buttons were just small silver "bars", so you needed to know what they were or use the tool tip to see.
I would guess alot of people here have it since it was one of the highest rated ones before. It was for 1.x.
Any help finding it would be greatly appreciated. Im sorry but I dont know the name.
Its not on any of these sites either(and I went through all 100+ or so skins). http://www.skinbase.org/section.php?sections=bsplayer http://www.customize.org/list/bsplayer http://www.skinz.org/skins.phtml?category=8
Never mind this. After some extensive searching I finally found it. If anyone wants it here it is. Called Starlight http://www.filelodge.com/files/hdd2/...ght%20v2.a.bsz |