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Estrover 19th September 2008 07:54 AM

Full Screen Control bar
I've been searching through the forum for an answer to my question but haven't found an exact answer. I am aware you can change the location of the full screen control bar to top, middle or bottom by editing your skin file, but how can I move the bar either up or down the screen to make it more visible to compensate for my displays overscan?

Thanks for your help.

Tizio 19th September 2008 10:31 AM

I don't know if I understood what you need, but if you want the control bar to appear to the top of the screen when you move your mouse to the top, and to make the bar appear to the bottom of the screen when you move your mouse to the bottom, there's an option to achieve this, BottomTop option is to do this exact thing

This is an excerpt from base skin skinfs.ini file

; B-Bottom, T-Top, BT-Bottom and Top    1-Left, 2-Middle, 3-Right

You can see that on 7th line there's a Position=B,2 command, that makes the full screen control bar to appear at the bottom of the screen (B=bottom, 2=centered) only
If you modify that line as Position=BT,2, it will appear either on top/bottom of the screen, depending on where you move your mouse cursor..

I hope this will help you, and if I misunderstood you, please explain me what did you meant ;)

Estrover 20th September 2008 03:45 AM

I don't know how to explain it any other way. Maybe more detail will help. My HTPC is connected via DVI to my rear projection TV. As its a projection TV there is a bit of overscan, or lost picture information on all edges of the screen. So much so that the control bar is not completly visable at either the top or bottom. I would like to adjust the position of the control bar in respect to the visible screen area so that all of it is visible.

Tizio 20th September 2008 03:12 PM

Oh sorry, ok now I got it... I think the only solution to this problem is to modify the FullScreen background image.

As an example, if your video output system has 50 pixels of overscan, you have to create a fullscreen background bitmap which is 50 pixels greater than default one on the axis pf the ordinates (Y axis)

Take as example the Base skin, its fullscreen background image is fsmain.bmp (you can retrieve this info from skinfs.ini file, [Settings] section, MainImg= item), which size is 569x78 pixels.
If the overscan is of 50 pixels, you'll have to add 50 pixels to the existing 78 (you have to add them in the bottom part of the image to not have to change skinfs.ini buttons references, and the additional area should be colored with the same color as the transparent one, usually magenta [R=255,G=0,B=255])
And remember that this only works for fullscreen controls displayed at the bottom of the screen, if you want to show them on top of the screen, you'll have to add that additional area to the top of the background image, but you'll also have to edit vertical position of all fullscreen buttons in skinfs.ini file

Hope this will help you ;)

Topic moved to Skin section

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