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Polish translation: Ta wersja BS.Player'a jest tylko do użytku niekomercyjnego i osobistego! Nie można jej używać do żadnego rodzaju działalności komercyjnej. |
I didnt get it. The translation file cannot be the same? |
This message isn't in the translation file (but separately coded). :wink: |
Brazilian Portuguese translation: Essa versão do BS.Player é apenas para uso pessoal e não comercial! Você NÃO deverá usá-la em nenhuma atividade comercial. |
Czech translation English original: This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. Czech translation: Tato verze BS.Playeru je jen pro nekomerční a osobní použití! NESMÍŠ ji používat pro jakýkoli typ komerčních aktivit. |
@tokyoto (who meanwhile deleted his post in this thread): I've just returned from a holiday in Wales. (This time of year is a traditional holiday period overhere.) To which BS.Player-team member did you send a pm? Note I personally am no BS.Player team member but I'm just a fellow-user and a fellow-translator. I would personally leave (or post again) your translation until you receive a reaction by a BS.Player team member (e.g. Ico-man). In principle you will be granted a free Pro-version license if you have posted a few subsequent translations (or undertake to do the translations for a foreseeable period of time). :wink: If you wish: as a moderator I can also restore (undelete) your original post (including the attachment). Please let me know. |
Translator license was already granted, please upload translations thru User area. (http://forum.bsplayer.com/bs-player-...pload-new.html) |
Spanish translation English original: This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. Spanish: ¡Esta versión de BS.Player es sólo para uso no comercial y personal! NO puede ser utilizada para ningún tipo de actividad comercial. Sorry for the delay |
English original: This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. Arabic : HTML Code: BS.Playerهذه النسخه من |
Free notice in Uzbek English original: This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. Uzbek translation: BS.Playerning ushbu versiyasi notijorat va shaxsiy maqsadlarda foydalanish uchun mo'ljallangan. Undan tijorat yo'lida foydalanish MUMKIN EMAS. |
Hebrew Original: This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. Hebrew: גירסה זו של BS.Player הינה לשימוש לא-מסחרי, ונועדה לשימוש אישי בלבד ! חל איסור לעשות בגירסה זו שימושים מסחריים מכל סוג. |
I don't know if this is still needed because this thread is pretty old but here goes... ENGLISH : This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. CROATIAN / SERBIAN / BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA -IAN / MONTENEGRO -IAN : Ova verzija BS.Playera je isključivo za nekomercijalnu i osobnu upotrebu ! Ne smije se koristiti za bilo kakvu vrstu komercijalnih aktivnosti. |
As mentioned in Japanese translation thread This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. 商用利用を固くこれを禁じます。 |
Up to now the translated "not for commercial use"-string seems to have been implemented for only the following languages: Dutch, Estonian, German, Italian, Latvian, Macedonian, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Swedish and Turkish. Though translated strings in the following languages have been made available by users for (quite) some time allready, still the English text is shown in BS.Player Free! Arabic Portuguese Brazilian Bulgarian (Note: not English but Estonian is shown instead!!) Chinese Czech French Hebrew Japanese Polish Spanish Uzbek Croatian/Serbian/Bosnia Herzegovina/Montenegro This doesn't seem very rewarding towards those users who provided these translations. Also it surely isn't an invitation for and it won't help in case of any future requests! :cry: |
This omission (non-used though available translations) seems repaired in version!! :teeth: |
Translations of non-commercial notice (Basque Translation) English: This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities. Basque: BS.Player bertsio hau ez-merkatal eta norbere erabilpenerako da bakarrik! EZIN duzu merkatal jarduera bakar batean ere erabili. |
English original: 'This version of BS.Player is for non-commercial and personal use only! You may NOT use it for any type of commercial activities.' Greek translation: 'Αυτή η έκδοση του BS.Player προορίζεται αποκλειστικά για προσωπική, μη εμπορική χρήση! ΔΕΝ επιτρέπεται να την χρησιμοποιείτε για οποιουδήποτε τύπου εμπορικής δραστηριότητας.' |
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