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Ico-man 7th April 2011 08:53 AM

BSPlayer for Android devices
We are developing BSPlayer for Android devices. :teeth:

Any comments, requests and feedback are highly appreciated!

artam 12th April 2011 04:10 PM

I'm prayimg and deeply hope, that you will think about developing the gui/core architecture with respect to availability of running also on other linux platforms (meaning the point that Android is running above the linux kernel). :)

Ico-man 14th April 2011 08:16 AM

We will see, anything is possible. :teeth:

BlackHooDroidz 4th May 2011 11:40 AM

Android OS 1.5 (Cupcake)

Originally Posted by Ico-man (Beitrag 44699)
We are developing BSPlayer for Android devices. :teeth:

Any comments, requests and feedback are highly appreciated!

Hi, im glad to know it.. bsplayer is amazing, i hope it will run on android OS 1.5 cupcake.. thankz a lot! :happyroll:

WareWolf 9th May 2011 01:03 PM

can i play?
I wanna try it? I use a couple diff players now.. xy, rok, cpl others.. anyways.. beta me?!


Ico-man 9th May 2011 02:24 PM

BSPlayer for android
For 1.5 - please check Platform Versions | Android Developers We will see about supporting it.

tafreire 2nd July 2011 07:11 PM

I hope no bugs this time. ¬¬

Ico-man 21st July 2011 10:49 AM

Wooo-hooo: BSPlayer for Android 0.9.108 is released!

Gnomillis 22nd July 2011 01:57 PM

Hi, I can't seem to find the pro version of the android player. I am looking for a video player to be used in a place without an internet connection, therefore ads are a pain :) I've used BS.player for a long time on my pc and always enjoyed it and the screenshots of the android version look great. Do you have a link for the Pro version without ads?

Gnomillis 22nd July 2011 02:16 PM

Edit- Also is there a place to get the .apk file without going through android market and just put it down on the sd card?

BSPeter 26th July 2011 12:31 AM

Not working on ARM 800Mhz Android device ("Unsupported CPU")
I laid my hands on a budget iLC 7" Tablet PC (MID Tab701) running on an ARM 800Mhz CPU, 258MB memory, 800x480 pixels LCD resistive touch screen with LED backlight, videoprocessor DSP 300MHz with Android 2.2 as OS (to be more specific Wonder Media WM8650 kernel build; generic-eng 2.2 Froyo v1.2.3-20110414.152957).
I downloaded and installed BSPlayer light with no problem. However, when trying to run it, it doesn't and reports "Unsupported CPU. Please report to the developer. (0,0)"

giovi74 29th July 2011 12:30 AM

Hello, it works fine on my xperia neo. It just can't handle srt files in lan mode (when i press "select active subtitle" the list is empty), while in local mode they are displayed ok.

However, great app!! :teeth:

BSPeter 11th August 2011 07:06 PM

BSPlayer Lite update (beta build 111) with BSPlayer ARMv5 VFP CPU support did the trick!!:smile:
Now BSPlayer is also running on my Android Tablet PC!! :teeth:
(UI: English only; any plans for multi language support?)

Ico-man 16th August 2011 11:28 AM

Apk will be available on the Android page of After installation, you can move app to SD card. PRO version will also be available soon.

Subtitles over LAN are supported in latest version.

Hope you like it BSPeter. :happyroll: Multi language UI will be implemented in future versions.

HD content from 720p and up will not be played smoothly without hardware renderer (even on dual cpu systems like tegra 2). We are working on it.

BSPeter 19th August 2011 12:18 PM

Description on Android Market states

BSPlayer for Android is a versatile media player for Android smartphones.
Main features:
IMHO this doesn't do full justice to BSPlayer light. The description on the website seems better: Android devices.
I would suggest to change (or have changed) Android Market's decription "for Android smartphones" into
"for Android smartphones and tablet PCs" (or like on your website into the more generic "Android devices").
When searching in Market for BSPlayer also SubtitleDroid is shown in results. I've seen some users also installed it. Can't it lead to conflicts?

BSAddict 21st August 2011 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by giovi74 (Beitrag 45403)
Hello, it works fine on my xperia neo. It just can't handle srt files in lan mode (when i press "select active subtitle" the list is empty), while in local mode they are displayed ok.

However, great app!! :teeth:

Install BS player lite on my HTC wildfire S. How to upload the sub files? The format is srt. Appreciate your advise. Ty in advance.

Hirox 21st August 2011 10:53 PM


Nice app, the BS player for android is far best video player to me.
It's gonna be better, if it gets automatically the IP adress and other info to run Lan mode easier.

mason 31st August 2011 02:03 PM

ASF video codec for linksys wvc54gca IP cam

Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 45529)
BSPlayer Lite update (beta build 111) with BSPlayer ARMv5 VFP CPU support did the trick!!:smile:
Now BSPlayer is also running on my Android Tablet PC!! :teeth:
(UI: English only; any plans for multi language support?)

agree that so far from the android market, BS player should be one of the best. I have tried many player only BSPlayer and VPlayer are able to play my asf stream form IP cam. but the video decoding part, BSPlayer not so good, 1 or 2 FPS only; also there is no buffer option either.
anyway still appreciate the good work, and expecting any new release

clock32 6th September 2011 01:48 PM

Hi! Bs.player for my smartphone is awesome; I played mp3 on it, but screen is ever on. There are a black screen option or a "playing on background" option for it? Furthermore, When I´m opening another app, BS.player goes off.
I love already BS.Player for PC; Thanks.

Ico-man 6th September 2011 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 45618)
Description on Android Market statesIMHO this doesn't do full justice to BSPlayer light. The description on the website seems better: Android devices.
I would suggest to change (or have changed) Android Market's decription "for Android smartphones" into
"for Android smartphones and tablet PCs" (or like on your website into the more generic "Android devices").
When searching in Market for BSPlayer also SubtitleDroid is shown in results. I've seen some users also installed it. Can't it lead to conflicts?

Text corrected, thx. If SubtitleDroid and BSPlayer are both installed, BSPlayer will use local subtitle, if it is present in a folder where the video is. So there shouldn't be any conflicts.

sylenibla 18th September 2011 05:58 PM

BSplayer for pad
I, i really appreciate your player under Android and my Motorola Xoom pad.

But i have a suggestion:

Can you add the option to delete a video after watching it.

it will be very usefull

Thank you.

Mafarricos 20th September 2011 12:51 PM

Does bsplayer dims the status bar? Or it stays normally in tablets?

BSPeter 21st September 2011 02:51 AM

Did you see the images?
(The controlpanel at the bottom auto-hides and/or hides by a single tap on screen.)
The media-info hides/shows by tapping on the right-hand icon of the control bar.
In Browse & Playlist mode the PC-tablet's bar at top remains accessible.
BSPlayer-Light has several touch screen functions.
E.g. while playing a movie (full screen) tapping on screen brings (resp. hides) up the player's control-panel. By moving your finger up/down at the left-hand side of the screen you can set brightness, whilst on the right-hand side you can set volume. Depressing the menu-button on the PC-Tablet during playback of a movie brings up menu-bar at the bottom to set
[Subtitles][Repeat mode][Audio stream][Take screenshot*][Preferences]
*: Doesn't work for me: always black images.

BSPeter 8th October 2011 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by BSPeter (Beitrag 45618)
Description on Android Market ... IMHO ... doesn't do full justice to BSPlayer light. The description on the website seems better: Android devices.
I would suggest to change (or have changed) Android Market's decription "for Android smartphones" into
"for Android smartphones and tablet PCs" (or like on your website into the more generic "Android devices").

Seems you meanwhile changed text on your website from Android devices into Android smartphones. May I suggest to add "and tablet PCs" there too (like you did on Android's Market following my previous suggestion)?
BSPlayer for Android is a versatile media player for Android smartphones and tablet PCs.

raggnis 14th October 2011 09:14 AM

Running BSplayer in background
It is possible to run BSPlayer in background (e.g. during browsing the web or when the screen is locked) when I use it as a music player? If not, it would be a highly desirable feature. I luv BSplayer on Android for its LAN functionality and the fact that it displays media by folders (not by artist, title, etc).

alanmpoulin 16th October 2011 05:58 AM

i have the Asus Eee Pad. how do i access movies on an external usb drive and using BS Player

BSPeter 16th October 2011 11:53 PM

Use BSPlayer's "Browse"-function to browse to USB-drive and select movie?
(See "[Browse]-button" at left of [Playlist] in 2nd picture 4 posts ago)

valwit 29th October 2011 08:01 PM

i just love you for this. bs player THE player for me since i can't even remeber, now also on my andoirds. when is the pro version comming?

gerard666 2nd November 2011 12:43 AM

BSP.avi´s streams flawless from Synology network drive To Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
In BS Player (android) the movies on my diskstation Synology (network drive) works like a charm with Samsung Galaxy tab 10.1 wifi when .avi files are selected from the network drive. I downloaded lots of movie/media players from android market, some with possibility to select LAN network, lots of them don´t have a possiblitiy to select a network address.

BSPlayer does it, However :

The movies.avi OK ! No stutter, good audio etc.

The sountracks.mp3 do not stream. I will look some further, but I cannot stream mp3 from network shares. Any idea's about this ?

Also on android marked, in the description of BSP, tell the people BSP streams .avi files from Synology (or maybe other network drives as well) to Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 . Not many people know this, I spend a day to get this to work with googling and installing/deleting a lot of android media players.

Pegli 3rd November 2011 09:55 PM

Finally a player for my LAN music files! :teeth:

Just a question: when I add a list of files to a new playlist, where is it created?

Thank you sooo much!

Ico-man 4th November 2011 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by gerard666 (Beitrag 46680)
The sountracks.mp3 do not stream. I will look some further, but I cannot stream mp3 from network shares. Any idea's about this ?

Also on android marked, in the description of BSP, tell the people BSP streams .avi files from Synology (or maybe other network drives as well) to Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 . Not many people know this, I spend a day to get this to work with googling and installing/deleting a lot of android media players.

We cannot reproduce the issue with mp3 streaming over NAS at the moment. It works on all our devices. Thank you for good suggestion, added to description.

- playlists are stored in database file in BSPlayer folder, not txt file
- media files can now be deleted from BSplayer (but still manually from PL or Browse)
- PRO version is in the making
- BSPlayer cannot run in the background at the moment, will be implemented in future versions
- Text was changed, thank you for the heads-up BSPeter

Most of all, BSplayer 1.0 should improve playback speed drastically, whenewer HW mode can be used (depends on the device itself).

fuksen 6th November 2011 11:16 AM

Congratulation BSPlayer
nice player for android, easily beat other competition, i have some feedback that bit bothers me:
1. the button and blue gradient are quite bothersome, because they are too big and flashy, in my opinion buttons and gui are better if not to much eye catching, easy on eyes i say.
2. option for subtitle downloaded in each movie's folder, just like th eoption on PC BSplayer.
Good Job Dev

BSPeter 8th November 2011 12:53 AM

On my budget tablet the movie surface seems more "granulated" in the new BSPlayer v1.0.119 with accompanying v. 1.1 of ARMv5 VFP CPU support (SW mode; HW mode cannot be used on this device).

jeffw111 8th November 2011 05:21 AM

Hi I just downloaded the new android player and had a question. Is there a file size limitation on hardware accelerated playback for h.264 encoded MP4 files? I've got several movies that I encode with DVD Catalyst that for some reason the BSplayer is unable to play.

Lucidmike78 16th November 2011 01:12 PM

I would glady pay $10 for a video player that can do hardware decode and keep the original frame rates on XviD files on my AT&T Galaxy S2 Skyrocket. I believe it has something to do with the processor (dual core 1.5 ghz qualcom snapdragon) not being able to decode b-frames, which results in choppy playback.

The BS Player hardware decode seems to output original framerates, but it is buggy. But it is showing a lot of promise that this will be the first player in the android market that can actually have hardware acceleration, and fluid playback. Please keep up the good work.

Other players I have tried.
-Out of the box "Video" player. Choppy XviD playback.
-MX Player. Choppy XviD playback on HW decode. Smooth XviD playback on SW decode, but the video looks very pixelated.
-Dice Player, slightly better framerates than standard XviD player, but still very choppy on hardware decode.
-VPlayer. Same as MX Player.
-Mobo (mobo team). no hardware xvid decode.
-Mobo (video team). no hardware xvid decode.
-Act 1. Choppy XviD playback on HW decode.
-Kascend. Choppy XviD playback on HW decode.
-IMPlayer+. Only SW decode.

BS Player lite- Smooth XviD playback on HW decode, but buggy! You guys are the only ones that is on the right track.

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