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live 23rd August 2003 05:26 AM

option to disable mouse click/pause
if you right click to get the menu when running full screen, you must left click to close it, causing the video to pause, plus every time i double click on the video to make it go full screen, it pauses... even just moving the screen around.. its just too easy to pause it.. i would love to continue using ur nifty prog if you ever enable a nice lil option to disable that thing

thanks a bunch.

adicoto 23rd August 2003 08:16 AM

When you righclick for a menu you do that to go to a menu, don't you ? So, go to that menu you want and from there it returns to the movie. You don't have to left-click.

BSPeter 23rd August 2003 03:00 PM

If you press [Escape] button to leave the menu (if you are in a sub-menu you will most likely have to [Escape] twice) in stead of using mouse-click, the video will just continue (and not pause).

BSPeter 24th August 2003 11:05 AM

Re: option to disable mouse click/pause

Originally Posted by live
every time i double click on the video to make it go full screen, it pauses

I've tried to reproduce this, but when I double-click (in the window of a running video) to go to full screen the video in full screen is running. It's only coming back from full screen that it pauses. (Maybe this has also something to do with the mousesettings in Windows regarding the double-clicking.)
Anyhow, why not use the keyboard shortcut (character) [F] as a full screen switch instead of mouse(double)click? Then you have no problem at all!
(Have a look in BS-players "About"-box for more useful keyboard shortcuts.)

trodas 28th August 2003 06:24 PM

That's simply not true, that you can workaround this using just keyboard. I doing this, and frequently running into the damned pause problem.

For example, to make some features, like mouse hidding or control apearing on fullscreen, you focus have to be on that window. So, you have to CLICK on it.
Well, but then the movie pause...

Extremly annoing. I bet, that is the most annoing thing on BSplayer ever and more that 99% users will agree with me, that unability to turn OFF this this problem bother them.

Even when you define other key as pause, BSplayer keep pausing the video. A bug, too... :roll:

BSPeter 29th August 2003 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by trodas
That's simply not true, that you can workaround this using just keyboard.

:?: Have you really tried :?:


....your focus has to be on that window. So, you have to CLICK on it
What happens if you HAVE to click on it ? I'm not having your problem. E.g. if you wish to have the control panel while playing a video in full screen, you indeed RIGHT-click, but that does not pause the video!
Could you please give an exact example which you've bumped into?

senve 29th August 2003 08:17 PM

Re: option to disable mouse click/pause

Originally Posted by live
option to disable mouse click/pause

This would be extremely good option.

trodas 29th August 2003 11:44 PM

BSpeter - your probably missed the problem, that nothing with right click does not set into windows the focus.

So you have to use LEFT mouse button click...!
...and there the damn problem come...

And if you dont set the focus of application, keyboard shortcuts did not work, do you know that? :roll: :wink:

BSPeter 30th August 2003 01:46 AM

Re: option to disable mouse click/pause

Originally Posted by live
.... when running full screen ....


Originally Posted by trodas
nothing with right click does not set into windows the focus.

I'm afraid I still don't understand you. I've sofar not encountered any situation (in a window or when in full-screen) where a left mouse click (which would otherwise cause a pause) could not be avoided. That's why I asked to please give an exact example where you have had no other option than to use a (double) left-mouse click.
I don't know whether the problem could perhaps be related to the Windows version (I'm using build 501 under Win-Me).

trodas 5th September 2003 11:17 AM

When you using more programs, not just only BSplayer, then they can steal your focus - and then you have to click on the BSplayer window to ge the focus back.
Mostly happens when you using BSplayer on TOP and then fullscreen - when proggram steal the focus, you don't see a thing - BSplayer window are still on top - but the problem is, that BSplayer no-more react at your keystrokes, because they are going to be send to the other program... :wink:

How i can explain you more easily the fact, that this happens very often for me and lot's of others??? :cry: :evil:

BSPeter 5th September 2003 09:57 PM

Ok, I do understand what you're saying (though I've never experienced it myself).
I can imagine and I know that using "Always On Top Ovr"-mode (Shift+A) (as opposed to "Always On Top"-mode [Ctrl+A]) is very tricky indeed as the phenomenon you're referring to is very present (in fact "by definition") in that mode and I would advise everybody not to use it. As I said, I personally never experienced such thing in "Always On Top"-mode, but I can imagine a similar effect if in that mode the moviescreen shown is not really the PC's "active screen" (or - as you describe it - is not "in focus").
That being said and agreed upon however, please let's not forget what is the actual topic as raised by live.

Originally Posted by live
if you right click to get the menu when running full screen, you must left click to close it, causing the video to pause.

It is in that context that I gave my reaction (i.e. to use [Escape] instead), which I do think is still valid and correct for that situation!

PhantomLORD 6th September 2003 06:12 PM

And i wish to join this two guys, i was talking about this before, i agree that 99% people dont want to movie pause when using mouse left click, and to this come as default, and not to playing with key definitions, look others programs like powerdvd, windvd, and list goes on... in them, when using left mouse click, it show controls (main window) and not pause movie... its iritating to go always "right mouse click then show controls"...
And double mouse click not to be full screen swtich, for that we have button in main window or in menu... let mouse click do nothing...

Simple we want to say, let left mouse click and left mouse double click, do nothing BY DEFAULT except show controls (skin). :idea:

BSPeter 6th September 2003 09:31 PM

Just to be clear: I agree with those who ask for an option to disable the left-mouseclick/pause-feature.
In my reactions/answers I only try to indicate alternative ways how to avoid and work around this feature during the period that everybody will have to wait for bst to realize this option anyhow .

bst 7th September 2003 09:05 AM

Download nightly build. Movie won't be paused anymore when you left click on window.

trodas 7th September 2003 10:24 PM

Hooooray! Hope this build don't squeeze the movie like the last one did :wink: :P

Very funny effect, anyway. :lol:

Tumbs up, if it can be disabled, hehe :)

...and, after testing - it working perfectly!

Its fixed now, latest build is great! God bless BST!!! 8) The left mouse button problem is fixed too, great! 8) 8) 8)

...well, everything has a small cost :wink: The feature i requested, to not resize window on fullscreen won't work properly. The movie is a little bit stretched still (about 1/3 size up?) and not centered horizontaly. Well, two good fixes and one quirk added - so far, good build! Maybe the next one are ever better.

BSPeter 7th September 2003 10:42 PM

501 build which I'm using at present dates from August 21. Have sofar been unable to download September 7 version (tried several times today with my firewall switched off, nevertheless resulting in errormessage "not authorized").
Will - of course - continue trying from time to time.

trodas 7th September 2003 11:27 PM

I have no problem with downloading my copy, well, try this:

...anyway, i get once the no riseze on fullscreen thing work - when have enqueed two files and bsplay skip to the next file, while beling fullscreen, its still buggy, but when i select the next file from playlist, then it worked flawlessly.

Anyway, when enabling/disabling On Top move (not only overlay, whole program) - enquee stoped working for me... :cry:

BSPeter 7th September 2003 11:51 PM

Thanks for your link.
I could download the file flawlessly!
I'm going to try it now.
Enqueue doesn't work anymore when in "Always On Top"-mode [Ctrl+A]?
Hmmm.... strange. Is that in the newest Sep 6 build? I will try too.

trodas 8th September 2003 08:48 PM

Well, it seems it happens only when i try enguee into obscure way, together with repeat once... :wink:
Disabling repeating fixing the problem.
In fact, enquee shold not work before, when repeating is enabled, so, not a bug, just a fixed bug, what aperars with wrong settings as bug...

...anyway, what's wrong with word bug? Its not that bad, could be worser words there... :wink:

BSPeter 8th September 2003 09:28 PM

I quite agree, but every now and then I try to say things in a different way.
Anyhow, good to see that the Enqueue-option is operating as it should after all.
I must say I personally use it most of the times and I think it to be a very useful option indeed.

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