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Squalo 16th August 2002 06:41 PM

some sugestions to the command line and bsi files parameters
I was making a DVD-like menu for one DVD-RIP and I use the bsplayer to play the movie, but there is a couple of thing that might be added to make the makin off DVD-LIKE menus with Bsplayer

* The first is that the -stime command line parameter doesn´t work for BSI or OGM files (I use this parameter to the chapter selector of the DVD-MENU)

* The second thing is related to the first one, if is posibble to do, will we usefull to add a command line parameter to start the movie in a specified chapter without using -stime=x there must be something like -schap=x and must be compatible with bBSI chapters or OGM chapters.

* Another thing is that will be usefull (at least for me) the include of a ZOOM parameter in command line or in BSI files.

And last:
There is a litle bug(I thing) when you have a video file named
anything.AVI and a file(with or without content) named anything.idx in the same directory. Bsplayer simply chash.
I have tested this in re 0.85 488 release and now I will try it in the 490 release.


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