26th June 2008
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jun 2008
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able to autoload subtitles - but not show them?
I'm a new user, and if this option I'm asking for actually exists, I have unfortunately overlooked it after trying nearly every option in the subtitles section. So, If it exists, please forgive the lengthly post (I'm a type-a-haulic)
I love the fact that your software can automatically detect and load subtitles. As it stands, this feature is nice, because it takes away the tedious steps of choosing subtitle files. However with it enabled, the subtitles are automatically displayed on every file, every time. For people who infrequently use subtitles, but still DO use them from time to time, this can be equally tedious to disable subtitles each time (s key).
For any english movie i watch, You have to disable subtitles (s key). This can be done, but when you add it up, hitting s on every file is probably a lot more work than setting up subtitles every couple months for a single movie that has a non-english scene.
The preferred way to do this, is have a option (or series of options) that:
1. Does not DISPLAY subtitles until someone hits the s key to manually enable them.
2. Does not disable subtitles entirely, Allows user to manually select language, and show/hide subtitles.
3. Automatically detects, and lists available subtitles as usual under the subtitles menu.