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IRNBRU 18th September 2003 01:04 AM

is it possible to save the movie WITH the subtitles ?
ur player is so great with subtitles, is it possible to save the movie with the subtitles in it for good?? So I will watch the movie on dvd player...

I noticed there s an option to save the file ( the movie ) but I lose the subtitles even if I loaded them

if it s not possible, well it s a suggestion you should add this feature it would be great , but it may be complicate I think....

scotty81 18th September 2003 10:20 AM

to add subtitles and video isn't that easy, there are very good softs for that. I can't really think of one . vobsub has a mux option. try that.

IRNBRU 18th September 2003 11:09 AM

Thanks for your help, Merci pour ton aide

Thanks for your help, if someone can find some other softwares so as to integrate the subtitles sub and srt in the video for good, make me know. Too bad the bsplayer can't save the video file with the subtitles. It can save the movie without the subtitles so I wonder what is the use of the option save file as?? :( I tried the plugin of virtual dub "subtitler" but the format is ssa, I managed to convert the subtitles files srt and sub to ssa with "time adjuster", but the subtitles were not synchronised with the movie. Most of the time if I find the right subtitles file for the right movie file there's nothing to do. but for the movie" down with love" even if I got the right movie file and the right subtitles file (the names are the same) I am not able to synchronsize the subtitles with the movie even with the software "time adjuster", if the beginning of the movie is fine, then the subtiles are not synchronised anymore, most of the time the subtitles were shown too early. But with the "bsplayer" it works perfectly without doing nothing! so the best is to find a softwhare which uses the subtitles "sub or srt" and to be able to add the subtitles in one go! :arrow:

If someone knows how to add subtitles SUB and SRT for good in the movie, let me know pleaseeeeee :? :?

Merci pour ton aide, si tu trouves d'autres logiciels pour ajouter les sous titres directement dans le video cela serait g?©nial, dommage que bsplayer ne permet pas de sauver la video avec les sous titres, bsplayer deviendrai un logiciel indispensable en plus de d'Ä™tre un lecteur de r?©f?©rence! J'ai essay?© le plug in de virtual dub, mais le format est ssa, j'ai converti au bon format sub vert ssa ou srt vers ssa, mais parfois il y a un d?©calage. j'ai donc utilis?© ce mÄ™me logiciel pour synchroniser le d?©part mais une fois synchronis?© le d?©but , la suite reste d?©cal?©e! alors que bsplayer affiche les sous titres parfaitement sans ?• avoir aucun travail ?• faire! je ne comprends rien j'utilise le meme film et le meme sous titre pourtant ( le film est down with love). Donc la meilleur solution serait d'ajouter directement les sous titres SUB et SRT sans convertion ?• faire...

merci! thank you all! :P :P

adicoto 18th September 2003 09:13 PM

I asume you want to put the subtitles on a movie and create a VCD or a SVCD to play on an stand alone DVD player.
So, go here and read :

I recommend this one :
scenario 2 is very easy to use.
Good Luck.

dust 20th September 2003 06:49 PM

exactly, i want to add subtitles to svcd and watch the film with my dvd-player, i know how to do that, but dont know how to move subtitles from the bottom of the screen up to "on movie" so all guides/links/help considering adding and editing subtitles permanently on movie r welcome...big thanks so far

dust 20th September 2003 06:50 PM

exactly, i want to add subtitles to svcd and watch the film with my dvd-player, i know how to do that, but dont know how to move subtitles from the bottom of the screen up to "on movie" so all guides/links/help considering adding and editing subtitles permanently on movie r welcome...big thanks so far

adicoto 20th September 2003 08:06 PM

At the scenario 2 you got this :

If you want to change position or color or whatever, abort the preview, select video > filters again. The filter dialog appears, doubleclick on TextSub and you can change whatever you want. Then preview again. If you are happy, select file > Start frameserver

Is that enough ?

Try this :

Or select from here:

adicoto 20th September 2003 09:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Using textsub you can move up-down, left-right the subtitle using the margin setting. Some like 50 on the bottom is what you want

dust 21st September 2003 09:53 AM

Thanks guys and big thanks to adicoto :lol: i really needed that textsub filter/plugin. Im sure other ppl find this help very useful. u really made my day :mrgreen:

adicoto 21st September 2003 10:20 AM

Good luck.

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