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how run bsplayer without HDD install ? hi, please help.... i try to read divx with bsplayer but without hard duisk install.directly from cd-rom. i think it's possible ( RunHd=x instruction) but i can't do it... what is the structure of cd... FULL explain please... as - root cd- bsplay.exe bsrender.dll........... thx |
Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think it's possible to run a DivX movie without registering the codec first, as during playback the codec get it's settings from the registry. |
Using BSPlayer is posible to make self-executable CDs. You don't need to register the codec, you must put AX codec file into Filters folder, then modify the file BSPfilters.dat, and then burn all them in a CD-ROM. You need burn BSPlayer and all the folders, and of course your movie. The CD structure must be like that: ROOT Bplay.exe BSPFilters.dat BSRendv.dll Movie.avi INI file for launching the movie Filters(Folder) | -----Divxdec.ax Lang(Folder) Plugins(Folder) (if any) Skins(Folder) (if any) If you want to play any DivX movie, you must put the file DivXdec.ax into Filters folder (you can find it at Windows\System in any computer if DivX 5.02 installed). Also, you must create a file BSPFilters.dat (just a text file) containing: [BSPlayer filter def file] AddFilter Divxdec.ax,{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}, DivX 5.02 That's when using a DivX 4.x or 5.x movie. If using a DivX 3 movie, BSPFilters.dat must be: [BSPlayer filter def file] AddFilter Divxdec.ax,{82CCD3E0-F71A-11D0-9FE5-00609778AAAA}, DivX 3 This CD will run even if any codec is installed at the computer you'll play ;) |
Feniz said Quote:
Look at the bspfilters.sam, there is a warning! ; FilterGUID - Filter GUID that you wish to add, filter must be installed When you register divxdec.ax, in it's latest v5.02 under WinMe, those CLSID are added to registry: HKCR\CLSID\{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} -> "DivX Decoder Filter" HKCR\CLSID\{310E42A0-F913-11D4-887C-006008DC5C26} -> "DivX Decoder Filter Properties Page" HKCR\CLSID\{1ADD57B8-A7A9-4518-B9B5-862590FF9EB4} -> "DivX Decoder Filter Help Page" HKCR\CLSID\{83E66439-05D5-488C-A236-AA20E543D384} -> "DivX Decoder Filter Quality Page" And the decoder is added to the DirectShow filter enumeration: HKCR\CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\{78766964-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} HKCR\CLSID\{083863F1-70DE-11D0-BD40-00A0C911CE86}\Instance\CLSID_DivXDeux HKCR\CLSID\{CF49D4E0-1115-11CE-B03A-0020AF0BA770}\Instance\CLSID_DivXDeux (But when you unregister divxdec.ax (DivX5.02), last CLSID_DivXDeux instances remain.) I've compared the log of registry access from BSplayer (running on HD a movie located on HD), before and after registering the divxdec.ax filter v5.02 located in the \filters directory. When BSplayer don't find in the registry, at HKCR\CLSID\ the DivX Decoder Filter it has to load, as specified in bspfilters.dat, then it fails playing a DivX5 movie. What you say was true for DivX3. For DivX3 movies, you just have to put DivX_c32.ax in the \filters dir without registering, and it works (even with no bspfilters.* files) ...Magic! You can't access it's properties in the movie context menu, it's *really* not registered. Move the codec in an other directory, it won't play anymore: you get the famous "unknown file format (DIV3)"... or DIV4. :arrow: FFDShow is maybe the solution, as it can play every DivX file. But I've made no test. I'm not shure it can perfom as well. The \filters directory magic don't work for DivX5 codecs, even with the help of the bspfilters.dat file you would get the "unknown file format (DIVX)".. But put the divxdec codec whatever you want, register it (with regsvr32.exe) and that'll be OK, even for DIV3 movies. It doesn't work anymore for DVobsub neiher. I was used to put DVobsub.ax in the filter directory, together with Vobsub.dll, and register DVobsub, but I have some trouble now to make it work everywhere without installation. -> still inverstigating... |
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