30th May 2005
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: May 2005
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Playing some mpgs that are 12 min long. BS player reads...
its as 3 minutes. I'm wondering if there is a fix for this. I'm using v.1.22 build 817. My vid card is Mobility Radeon 9700 128mb.
I'm also using the latest ffdshow codec.
SO here is whats happening. When I open an mpeg file up using Mediaplayer Classic, it'll read it as like 12 min. When I open up the same file with bsplayer, it'll read it as 3 min. Maybe a bad codec? I don't know. It has a hard time fast forwarding mpgs.
And for a note, when I open up .wmv files off my hard drive, it'll open, but before it opens, it'll say, "Buffering xxx%" and stuff. It never did that before, but it all started after the whole mpg problem.
Can anyone help me out fixing this problem?
And i did delete ALL of my codecs off my computer to see if it would fix it, but no luck.