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jacoblionheart 17th January 2006 03:11 AM

avi problems
hey, i jstu downloaded BSplayer and have been having troubles from the start... files that i know play well on other players ... only show up as one static image of black adn white snow... but my audio works... i tried readings the FAQs and stuff.. adn i dl'ed the DIVX codec 6.1 .. but still it wont play my file. My file is .avi extension... am i just downloading the wrong codec? i'm SO very stuck right now and wodl appreciate some help. thank you so much.

Edit: i dl'ed Gspot as recommended.. and under teh "codec" section it says "4CC: DX50/XVID" and " Name: DivX 5.0" and also it says i ahve 3 compatible codecs installed: " DivX Decoder Filter, DivX Decoder Filter, Xvid MPEG-4 Video Decoder"

soooooooo TECHNICALLY i shoudl be able ot play it right? but it still doesnt play in BSplayer.. ahah so now i am just as lost as i ever was.

Tizio 19th January 2006 09:33 PM

Hi, here is your feedback :wink:
Maybe it's useless, but try to uninstall DivX 6 and install DivX 5
otherwise go in XviD preferences and tell to XviD to decode all MPEG4 files..

Probably adicoto will provide better assistance, she is very skilled in this field :)

adicoto 20th January 2006 05:04 AM

Sorry, but she is a he :lol:
First, open the file and see what filters are used by BSPlayer to play the file (rightclick->options->filters) and post them here.
And by the way, you told us what version of DivX you have, but nothing about XviD version.

jacoblionheart 20th January 2006 07:37 PM

my version of Xvid is XviD-1.0.3-20122004
the filters that Are in use are:

Default DIrect Sound Device
DirectVobSub (forced auto-loading version)
MPEG Layer-3 Decoder
DivX Decoder Filter

adicoto 20th January 2006 08:44 PM

You may try to update XviD codec. The one you have is obsolete. But this is not the cause for the problems. Try to change in video rendering options from internal renderer to directshow and if is not working to VMR9 renderless. See what is happening.

jacoblionheart 20th January 2006 09:05 PM

hrmmmm there wasnt a "directshow" option BUT there was a directdraw option.. so i tried that and it worked! now the movie plays... BUT there are serious lags an its really choppy.. but i guess ifi update my Xvid that should solve teh problem?

edit: i did update my Xvid to 1.1 and still its choppy so i dunno where the lag problems are coming from. mayeb it has somethign to do with a prompt i get everytime i load a file. "Display hardware is not capable of color-space conversions. Switching to RGB" i now get that pop-up prompt everytiem since switching to directdraw.

Tizio 20th January 2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto
Sorry, but she is a he :lol:
First, open the file and see what filters are used by BSPlayer to play the file (rightclick->options->filters) and post them here.
And by the way, you told us what version of DivX you have, but nothing about XviD version.

ops :oops: sorry :lol:
From your ICQ profile I assumed your were a female.....

Sorry again :wink:

adicoto 21st January 2006 09:40 AM

Oops, I've updated my profile.

Tizio 21st January 2006 11:28 AM


adicoto 21st January 2006 12:06 PM

@ jacoblionheart

Can you tell us what video card do you have ?
And What about VMR9 renderless ?

jacoblionheart 21st January 2006 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by adicoto
@ jacoblionheart

Can you tell us what video card do you have ?
And What about VMR9 renderless ?

well i dunno if you read this

"hrmmmm there wasnt a "directshow" option BUT there was a directdraw option.. so i tried that and it worked! now the movie plays... BUT there are serious lags an its really choppy.. but i guess ifi update my Xvid that should solve teh problem?

edit: i did update my Xvid to 1.1 and still its choppy so i dunno where the lag problems are coming from. mayeb it has somethign to do with a prompt i get everytime i load a file. "Display hardware is not capable of color-space conversions. Switching to RGB" i now get that pop-up prompt everytiem since switching to directdraw."

but i DID try VMR9 renderless.. but it didnt work i got a prompt saying: "Video Mixing Renderer (VMR9) is not available on this system. Make sure you ahve DirextX 9+ installed and latest video drivers."
but the directdraw option plays the video . so all i really need ot figure out is the lag.. an di am not sure what video card i am using..but i checked My Computer properties.. and the closest thing i could find was called "Intel(r) 82810e DC-133 System Graphics Controller"

adicoto 21st January 2006 10:34 PM

Yes, you have an on-board video adapter built in Intel 810 chipset. RGB mode is choppy and is CPU consuming (this is where the lag is). I810 chipset support CPUs up to PIII@1300 IIRC. But if you have for example an PIII@733 it's even worst. So, important is to make the video adapter to work properly. Can you tell us if you have DirectX9 installed ? And updated drivers ?

jacoblionheart 22nd January 2006 11:04 PM

hrmm no i dont ahve it. is there somewhere i can download it?

adicoto 23rd January 2006 05:03 AM

To find out what version of DirectX you have go to start->run and type dxdiag. DirectX' window will pop-up and on the main page, at the bottom, it states the version.

Be aware that since DirectX9 there is no more support for Windows 98 or ME.

jacoblionheart 23rd January 2006 05:38 AM

hrmm ok so i DID install directx9 properly... and it says i am running DX9... but i tried the VMR9 renderless again .. and i still get the pop up and it wont load the movie... so i'm still really lost ahah.

adicoto 23rd January 2006 10:33 AM

And what about a driver update ?

jacoblionheart 24th January 2006 05:15 AM

well i jstu went to teh site and dl'ed whatever it said to adn installed it.. so i dunno abotu drivers .. and i'm not too familiar with those soooo i dunno .. is there soemthign specfic i shoudl go get? cause i will.

adicoto 24th January 2006 07:33 AM

Best thing to do is to go to your's motherboard manufacturer site and search for your motherboard model and download drivers from there.

jacoblionheart 24th January 2006 11:36 PM

ahahah well ok .. one thing : my computer was built for me by a friend.. so i ahve no idea what type of mother board is in there.. and LASO if there is a way to find out what type it is WITHOUT opening it up.. then i'll TOTALYL do it.. cause i'd rather not touch shit that i dunot know ANYTHIGN about ahah.

adicoto 25th January 2006 05:11 AM

When computer boot-up it states the BIOS manufacturer (AMI, AWARD or PHOENIX), CPU type (P III @....=133xN), amount of memory and the manufacturer code. This number can tell what MB you have.Also at bottom of the screen you have a serial number. MB can be identified by this number too. Write those here.

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