11th July 2006
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2006
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"Read with BSPlayer" and "Add to playlist&quo
First, I'm french, so excuse my english ;)
I've recently reinstalled Windows and all my softwares. I've also taken the new 2.0 version of BSPlayer.
But I've a problem : I select several files and I click on "Play with BSPlayer" ("Lire avec BSPlayer" in french) but nothing happens whereas with the last version, it added the files to a playlist and read the first one.
I changed a thing in the folders options > files type > mp3 > advanced ("Options des dossiers > Types de fichiers > MP3 > Avancé") : I couldn't even read one file when I clicked on "Read with BSPlayer", so I wrote "C:\Program Files\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe" "%L" instead of "C:\Program Files\BSplayerPro\bsplayer.exe" %L in the "Application used to execute this action" ("Application utilisée pour exécuter cette action") and I can now read one file when I click on "Read with BSPlayer", but only one...
If someone can help me...
Thanks ;)
Edit : and I've the same problem with "Add to playlist" : I only can add one file to the playlist...