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nobones 19th October 2010 09:45 PM

V-sub solution = MILLION BUCS
I belong to the over 2/3 of (universal)mediaplayer users that are not native english speakers. I shall not be deprived of any picture just because lazy ass technicians. Now one could run a good few hours of 4c or 6c computing resources (in case of 720/1080p) to encode one movie from 2,35 : 1 to 16 : 9 full screen (with black bars) just enabling the subs go down on the bars. Will I ? Kiss my ,,,. There must be a solution. There's a bit money in it?

BSPeter 19th October 2010 10:37 PM

Making no bones about it: it would help if you provide some relevant information and/or ask a clear question. There are about a million variables possible in hard- and software and type of media-files (and how they are encoded). So why not make your post more informative, understandable and useful? Or don't you really expect some possible help and just wanted to air your grievances?
(Suppose you already read this thread and followed the info and hints in it?)

nobones 19th October 2010 10:51 PM

Yes I took a look at that. I do fully understand You want to keep BS no subtitles needed player. I have no quarrel with that. I just want to make BS better if of any possibility. To some users wanting to use subtitles. Whould be nice to guestimate the show and not miss the start of movie like 2 to 7 hours depending on several surprising/unknown factors.



adicoto 19th October 2010 11:33 PM

So, you did activated "draw subtitles under video with EVR renderer" ?
If you are not using EVR (WinXP) and you can't move subtitles on the black bar, probably video drivers will require some update.

And, as BSPeter said, some info about your OS and version of BSPlayer will help us helping you.

BSPeter 19th October 2010 11:36 PM

@nobones: No usefull information whatsoever !!! No real/clear question either !!!
I'm afraid I totally fail to understand what you're trying to say (even if English is not your native language; it isn't my native language either, nor is it - as you did correctly observe - of a lot of users).
As far as I know BS.Player has always (natively) supported subtitles since it was initially launched (I believe that was back in 2000).
In fact way before any other player did.
So what do you want to say or ask with your posts?
I really have no clue?! (Do you?)

nobones 22nd October 2010 07:23 PM

I finally figured it out. I could not find the "enable evr box" and then spent furious fifteen minutes trying to get educated abt the inner life of EVR. Finding out that EVR is a component of Windows and not something to dowdload and execute I was ready give a piece of my mind :angry:

Sorry and TY for Your patience :embarassed:

Looks great. BS looks and feels better than couple of years back. I'll buy the licence. Just going to feed her some AV-files in .avi and .mkv containers :shade:

What's the preferred codec pack atm?

BSPeter 23rd October 2010 01:27 AM

Preferred is certainly NO codec pack, but individually installed codecs/filters.
What's preferred by BS.Player's developpers is that - upon installation of BS.Player - you allow it to download and "internally" install its preferred filters/codecs. "Internally" meaning that these filters/codecs are only installed for exclusive use by BS.Player and will not interfere with your system's codecs/filters.
If you didn't allow so at BS.Player's installation, you can also do it later by executing "codecmanager.exe", which can be found inside BS.Player's installation folder. (It will install ffdshow, FLV-splitter for flash video, mpeg2 decoder, Haali media splitter, RealMedia splitter and AC3 Filter.)

BSPeter 24th October 2010 05:01 PM

By the way if you're interested in some info on videorendering (as part of Windows DirectX), maybe read this About Video Rendering in DirectShow (Windows) (click on the link).

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