Originally Posted by BSPeter you could try what happens if you disable oldskin plugin (which serves to be able to use 0.8-version skins).
rightclick > "Options" > "Preferences" > "Plugins"
check/select "Disable plugins" and exit BSPlayer (and restart) |
Did you try?
(plugin certainly not needed for Base-skin) Quote:
Originally Posted by falquian2000 It's strange a codec could interfere the oldskin.dll |
Imagine (Note: I don't know!!) as follows: when BSPlayer is closed down, the filter/codec is also no longer used and should be closed down. If the sequence followed is 1. exit filter/codec followed by 2. exit oldskin.dll ... etc. .. it is obvious it can be of some influence, or ....?

(the sequence 1-2-3 was what I already understood from your post.)
(could maybe also be a security/protection related thingy; Norton? Personally unfortunately don't know about in-built security of WinServer2003)