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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 25th March 2005
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falquian2000 is an unknown quantity at this point
Default oldskin.dll

BSPlayer sometimes throws "Exception Exception in module oldskin.dll at 00014B49" mostly when you see a movie and uses forward and rewind. This is not allways but happends. After this message, the BSPlayer set in an "invisible mode", I mean, the window is not shown, but the form can be accessed (menues can also be accessed by clicking right button, and if you want to change skins (in the middle of this "crash" and since it would be the most razonable thing since it is a skin problem) it throws the same message).

This is happening since version 1.0 and in 1.2 is not solved (I'm using the free 1.2 version).

I know is not a hardware problem (I have 512 Mb DDR and a 128 DDR video card) neither an operating system problem (I saw the same problem in Windows 2000, XP and 2003).

My first impression is that after you close BSPlayer some process continue working (this doesn't happends if you wait some hours before another try), so it doesn't release the memory and crashes oldskin.dll when it trys to initialize this working process again.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2005
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falquian2000 is an unknown quantity at this point

I tested again with version 1.22 (b817) and it happends also. My computer is configured with the followin hard/soft:

Intel Celeron 2.7 Ghz, 512 MB DDR @ 400 MHz, ASUS ATI RADEON 9600 128 Mb DDR, Mother MSI PT880 Neo (on-board sound card), LG DVD Player, a DELL 17" monitor and a WD 200 GB SATA HD. The OS I'm using is Windows 2003 Server with the latest security patches.

I hope this could be solved soon.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2005
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So which skin(s) are you actually using?
If you're only using version 1+ skins, you could try what happens if you disable oldskin plugin (which serves to be able to use 0.8-version skins).
rightclick > "Options" > "Preferences" > "Plugins"
check/select "Disable plugins" and exit BSPlayer (and restart)

For another idea please refer to this thread.
YAQ (Yet Another Question): Are you using ffdshow or codecs to display movie-files?
(with moviefile loaded: rightclick > "Options" > "Filters" > "Advanced")
(PS: A skin-related issue when closing BSPlayer could perhaps be, that depending also on the presence (or not) of rgn(fs).dat-file(s) in the skin-file, BSPlayer will - upon closure - in principle first try to delete some skin-related temporary file(s)).
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2005
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falquian2000 is an unknown quantity at this point

Thanks to reply my problem so soon :)
Mmm, I don't guess it's a skin related problem, since I'm using the default skin (to avoid incompatibilities issues through versions).

It's strange a codec could interfere the oldskin.dll since it happends when I finished to watch a movie, close BSPlayer and execute again. I mean:

1 - I watch the movie (using forward and/or rewind some thimes)
2 - Close BSPlayer.
3 - Open BSPlayer with/without opening a movie (Error happends here!!)

Thats why I guess that the oldskin.dll is still loaded even when BSPlayer ends (doesn't executes the finalize method after a while). And when it tries to execute the initialize methof of the DLL it fails because it is still loaded. Again, if you execute BSPlayer after a while (say 1 or 2 hours later) it's fine again (I guess by this time the DLL could be unloaded successfull so nothing's wrong now).

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 27th March 2005
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Originally Posted by BSPeter
you could try what happens if you disable oldskin plugin (which serves to be able to use 0.8-version skins).
rightclick > "Options" > "Preferences" > "Plugins"
check/select "Disable plugins" and exit BSPlayer (and restart)
Did you try? (plugin certainly not needed for Base-skin)
Originally Posted by falquian2000
It's strange a codec could interfere the oldskin.dll
Imagine (Note: I don't know!!) as follows: when BSPlayer is closed down, the filter/codec is also no longer used and should be closed down. If the sequence followed is 1. exit filter/codec followed by 2. exit oldskin.dll ... etc. .. it is obvious it can be of some influence, or ....?

(the sequence 1-2-3 was what I already understood from your post.)
(could maybe also be a security/protection related thingy; Norton? Personally unfortunately don't know about in-built security of WinServer2003)
Help2Help (click) BSplayer: simply the best & most versatile (Build 1072 Dutch language here!)
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 15th May 2005
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falquian2000 is an unknown quantity at this point

Hi, it's me again. Long time no write here, but I have the same problem.
I did what you suggested to me, but it didn't work. The strange thing is that if I let it pass some minutes after viewing a movie, it fixes, but if you watch a short video and then you want to watch another you can't ultil some time had happend.

Is there a way to provide a skinneable version and a non skinneable version to avoid this problem? Or else, if this happends, is there a way to include in the same exe file a kind of skin so I could see the player's form instead of characters floating in my desk?

Thank you so much.
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