Originally Posted by adicoto As for the aspect ratio, the easyest way to deal is with shift+1, +2 and +3 (original, 16:9 and 4:3).
As for resizing, I think I didn't understand exactly what you are trying to say. |
Am trying essentilly to crop the horizontal- that is chop off parts of extreme rt and left so that it won't appear more stretched and unnatural in the vertical direction when go to a 4/3 aspect on videos that are like 16/9 or even higher like 2/1 or sometimes more - if i just chop off the horizontal extremes or stretch the horizontal only which would do the same thing then when go to 4/3 which abnormally stretches the vertical then it would look more natural at the expense of loosing some horizontal coverage. I would try the ctrl num keypad stuff but can't as i have laqptop with NO numeric keypad - only ONE set of numbers