22nd October 2011
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Oct 2011 Age: 32
Posts: 2
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Problem with .mkv and .mp4
Hi there, I've been using BSplayer for a good time and i have never used such a more awesome player. But when i reinstalled my computer and later installed BSplayer, i can't start a .mkv file (I'll get an error instant) and when i open a .mp4 file then it ask's if i have updated my codec even though i have installed the latest ones. But if i open a .avi file then it's zero problems! I tried to reinstall several times but with the same result
"BS.Player cannot play the media file.
You don't have necessary codec installed, file may damaged or not media file.
Click 'Find codec' to try to find codec."
The file is not damaged, cause I've been using VLC to open my files lately but i really want to use BSplayer! So please help me!
Thanks in advance