27th August 2016
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Aug 2016 Age: 38
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bs player crashes playing some movies
i have installed bs player on my laptop(windows 7) since like a year and it was working fine until like a month ago.
now when i try to open some movies bs player crashes and a window pops up that says program has stop working. the weird part is that it doesn't crashes to all movies or to a specific file type (for example i have 2 different episodes from a series in the same file format(.mp4) , and it opens the 1 file but to crashes to the other.
also at another movie(same format, .mp4), it doesn't crash but it's stacked at 0:00 and the screen is black.
if i open them with another player, all movies are playing fine.
And just to mention, that i tried to uninstall bs player and install it again but without any success. (i also used ccleaner to delete the registry to be sure that the uninstallation was 100% completed).
Thanks a lot in advance.