15th July 2019
Junior Member BS.Player Newbie | | Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 1
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Wireless going off for the second time on windows 10 after searching subtitles
Hi. So it's not the first time, first time i thought it could be anything but my wifi was running smooth and amazing, until i downloaded bsplayer and it searched subtitles, after that my computer froze entirely and i had to force shutdown, my laptop stopped catching any wireless signal,even removed my entire wireless driver i took it to warranty on the store and they solved it by installing again a windows 10 and all of that. I went to grab my laptop, days with all ok, i decided to install BSPLAYER AGAIN, and guess what, same thing happened, im on a old laptop to report this, i'm never going to install bsplayer again on my laptops. I hope you're aware of this, everything same thing happened twice, it was like a dejavu. It was an amazing player but 2 times is a charm, can't be a coincidence. Find what is not working for windows 10 that can make this happen.Thank you.